What is a SELPA?

In California, every local education agency (LEA) is required to belong to a Special Education Local Plan Area (SELPA). The SELPA is a consortium of LEAs responsible for the development of special education policies and procedures, distribution of federal and state special education funds, and providing a range of professional development pertaining to special education. With this support, the Charter SELPA’s partners continue to demonstrate the capacity to provide high-quality special education programs to their students.

The El Dorado Charter SELPA was one of the first statewide charter-only SELPA. The Charter SELPA is a cooperative model designed to ensure special education programs are available for all students with disabilities.

Since 2006-07 the Charter SELPA has grown from four charter partners, operating 10 charter schools, to over 200+ partners, operating over 450+ charter schools, representing over 33,000+ students with disabilities.

System Improvement Leads (SIL)

The purpose of the SELPA System Improvement Lead Project is to work collaboratively within the Statewide System of Support to build the capacity of Special Education Local Plan Areas (SELPAs) and Local Education Agencies (LEAs) with a common goal to improve outcomes for students with disabilities.

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