P.E.A.K. Psychological Corporation
Posted on October 25, 2022 • Filed under IEE Assessors
Name of Vendor: P.E.A.K. Psychological Corporation
Dr. Tonya Brooks, NCSP, LEP, BCBA
Dr. Tonya Brooks, NCSP, LEP, BCBA
Primary Contact Address(es): 2105 Foothill Blvd; Ste B #158; La Verne, CA 91750
Region(s): Los Angeles
Phone Number: (424) 265-7792
Email Address: dr.tonyabrooks@peakpsychcorp.com
Website Link:
Areas of Assessment: Academic Achievement, Adaptive Behavior, Cognitive Functioning/Psychoeducational, neuro-educational/school neuropsychological; ERMHS; Preschool; and Intensive Instructional Services
In Person/Virtual Assessment: In person only
Approved by CDE as NPA/NPS?: No