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Charter SELPA

Special Education Local Plan Area

Charter SELPA

Special Education Local Plan Area
The Charter SELPA provides an online portal that offers a convenient platform for submitting all fiscally-related data.

Portal 2.0

New in 2024-25, Portal 2.0 is your one-stop shop for all SELPA fiscal reporting.
Historic data reported to the SELPA, as well as current images of payments, may be accessed via Fiscal Portal "Classic."

Portal 2.0 Modules At-a-Glance:

Direct Deposit (ACH Opt-In) One convenient service we offer to our charter partners is the electronic receipt of funds. This is a safe, secure, and efficient way to transmit funds, and we strongly encourage LEAs to join our direct deposit program.
ADA & Enrollment Reporting LEAs are funded based on certified ADA and Enrollment figures. The SELPA collects this information several times throughout the year to calculate funding distributions.
Audit Report Submission Every year in mid-December, charter partners are required to submit a copy of their LEA's audit report for the prior fiscal year.
Federal Expenditure Reporting Federal revenues are received through a grant, which is paid on a reimbursement basis. Each LEA is required to submit reports of its federal expenditures throughout the year to facilitate consistent cash flows.
Legal Risk Pool Requests The SELPA CEO Council established a Legal Risk Pool that is maintained by the SELPA to subsidize the legal fees associated with certain due process filings. LEAs with these costs may apply for reimbursement.
Low Incidence Requests Low Incidence (LI) disabilities are defined in California Education Code as a severe condition with an expected incidence rate of less than one percent of the total statewide enrollment. LEAs with LI students may apply for reimbursement for some related materials, equipment, and services.
NPS/RTC/SBT ERMHS Requests Charter partners contribute to a funding pool, maintained by the SELPA, to subsidize the costs of certain student placements in specialized programs. These include non-public schools (NPS), residential treatment centers (RTC), and site-based therapeutic (SBT) programs. LEAs with these students may apply for reimbursement for some of the associated costs.
Significant Disproportionality Reporting While the Significant Disproportionality (SigDis) reporting is primarily a program function, it has a fiscal component, so it is processed through our Portal.