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Charter SELPA

Special Education Local Plan Area

Charter SELPA

Special Education Local Plan Area

Master Contracts, Individual Services Agreement (ISA), & Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)

Master Contracts, Individual Service Agreements (ISAs), and Memorandums of Understanding (MOUs) are three distinct methods for securing special education services from entities outside of your LEA.
Master Contract
The Master Contract is an agreement with a Non-Public Agency (NPA) or Non-Public School (NPS) to provide services to students of an LEA. The SELPA Administrators of California provide a master contract template annually. 
Individual Service Agreement (ISA)
Click "download" to access
An ISA is used in conjunction with an existing master contract. A separate ISA must be used for each separate student with each separate agency. The SELPA Administrators of California provide an ISA template annually. 
Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)
MOUs are utilized to engage services from other LEAs or Government Agencies. We have several templates for various purposes.