Reimbursement Pools
As part of the Charter SELPA's Allocation Plan, funds are set aside in various reserves to function as shared risk pools. Guidelines and resources are available to assist local educational agencies (LEAs) in accessing these funds.
Low-Incidence Reimbursements | The Low-Incidence pool is available for low-incidence-related services and equipment for students with a low-incidence disability listed on their IEP. Low-Incidence Guidelines |
Non-Public School/ Residential Treatment Center/ Site-based Therapeutic / Educationally Related Mental Health Services (NPS/RTC/SBT/ERMHS) Pool | The SELPA operates a reimbursement pool to help defray the cost of more intensive student placements. The pool reimburses a percentage of eligible expenditures for approved non-public school and residential placements and approved site-based therapeutic programs. The pool is funded with an annual per-ADA contribution from all partners withheld from state-based funding. This contribution also funds CPI behavior training and certification for partners and daily mental health program support. NPS/RTC/SBT Guidelines |
Legal Risk Pool | Partners may request reimbursement from the Legal Risk Pool for due process filings. Please refer to the guidelines document for more information. Legal Risk Pool Guidelines |
Rate Protection Pool | The intent of the Rate Protection Pool is to provide a reserve fund against unforeseen losses to the SELPA that would otherwise cause a reduction in the state or federal funding rate. |