Data Management Resources
There is a special education component to CDE-mandated student testing. Learn more by visiting the CAASPP & ELPAC
California Assessment System website linked below.
California Assessment System website linked below.
California School Dashboard
The California School Dashboard provides parents and educators with meaningful information on school and district progress so they can participate in decisions to improve student learning.
California School Information Services (CSIS)
Creating a data culture that thrives builds from our relationships with people and the ability to be transparent about when and how we use data. We see the connections between funding and accountability, fiscal health and student achievement, people and technology.
California Technical Assistance Network (CalTAN)
On this website you will find evidence-based special education resources to address seven key focus areas, Technical Assistance providers, and information about California’s Compliance and Improvement Monitoring (CIM).
DataQuest provides meaningful data and statistics about California's TK/K-12 public educational system that supports a wide variety of informational, research, and policy needs. Summary and detailed data reports are available for multiple subject areas at the school, district, county, and state levels.
High Quality IEPs
East County SELPA was previously funded by the California Department of Education to provide IEP Technical Support and Assistance (ITSA). Visit this site to access some of the incredible resources created during that time.
Educational Data Partnership (Ed-Data)
Ed-Data is a partnership of the CDE, EdSource, and FCMAT/CSIS allowing for quick access to timely and comprehensive K-12 Education Data.
Non-Public Agency & Non-Public School Certified List
This list is updated quarterly by the CDE and provides the contact information and certification numbers for all certified NPAs and NPSs. To access, visit and scroll down to download the Nonpublic Schools and Agencies (NPS/As) worksheet.
System Improvement Leads (SIL) State Performance Plan Indicator (SPPI) Guide
The SPPI Guide provides convenient access to information on the California State Performance Plan Indicators.
Note: Please ensure the dates on the cover align with your intended APR year. Historical SPPI Guides are available at