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Charter SELPA

Special Education Local Plan Area

Charter SELPA

Special Education Local Plan Area

Academies & Professional Learning Communities (PLCs)



Academies and Professional Learning Communities offer educators valuable opportunities to delve into key special education concepts. These events, held both in-person and virtually, provide a platform for networking with colleagues and gaining insights from experienced professionals.

Leadership Academy

Coming July 2025. The Leadership Academy is a weeklong, in-person training for current and new special education administrators. It focuses on developing essential skills for providing special education support and services tailored to the individual charter school’s mission, community, and student population. Two Leadership Academy offerings are available: Year One and In-Depth. See below for more information on the intended audience for each. 
Key modules include:
  • Leadership in Special Education
  • Program Design and Implementation
  • Student Performance and Outcomes
  • Fiscal and Resource Management
  • Compliance and Legal Responsibilities
Who Should Attend: Leadership Academy Year 1
New special education administrators & current special education administrators who have never attended before are encouraged to apply.
Who Should Attend: In-Depth Leadership Academy 
Special education administrators who have already attended Leadership Academy (Year 1) are encouraged to apply.
Applications for Leadership Academy are currently open.  Please click one of the two options below to apply:
Training Date Location
July 15-18, 2025 Hyatt Regency, Sacramento, CA
July 15-17, 2025 Hyatt Regency, Sacramento, CA
The El Dorado Charter SELPA subsidizes the program fees for all active partners. Participants are responsible for the cost of travel, lodging, breakfast, and dinner. 
For more information about Leadership Academy, please contact

Teacher Academy

Teacher Academy is a training program designed for new special education teachers that is offered in both in-person and virtual formats. It offers research-based content and hands-on activities to help improve student outcomes.
  • Developing comprehensive IEPs to ensure FAPE in the LRE.
  • Designing tailored instruction, including classroom adaptations.
  • Using effective behavior management techniques.
  • Enhancing communication and facilitation skills.
  • Understanding disability categories and their implications.
  • Exploring placement options, including co-teaching, UDL, and inclusive climates.
  • Examining general education initiatives like RTI2, PBIS, SST meetings, and 504 Plans.
Who Should Attend
Special education teachers within their first three years of practice. For more information about Teacher Academy, please contact
Registration: In-Person Academy 
Registration for 2024-25 Teacher Academy has passed. Registration for 2025-26 Teacher Academy will be available in June 2025.
Resgistration: Virtual Academy 
The Virtual Teacher Academy is a total of 4.5 hours, divided into three 90 minute sessions. Registration is required for each separate session. Mandatory pre-work will be assigned upon registering for the separate classes.
Part One: Register Here
Part Two: Register Here
Part Three: Register Here 

Paraeducator Academy

Paraeducator Academy is a one-day online training program designed to enhance paraeducators' knowledge and skills. Working under the guidance of a qualified educator, paraeducators play a crucial role in supporting students with disabilities in the least restrictive environment, as outlined in their IEPs. To effectively meet the needs of these students, paraeducators must understand how to deliver individualized adaptations and supports across various school settings.
Registration is open.

Click here to register > Use keyword "Paraeducators" to search for Paraeducator Academy Dates.
Who Should Attend
This training is appropriate for both experienced and new paraeducators. This academy is only offered to partners of the El Dorado Charter SELPA.
For more information about Paraeducator Academy, please contact

School Psychologist Academy

The School Psychologist Academy is a one-day virtual training aimed at enhancing the skills of School Psychologists in charter settings. It covers best practices, research-based content, and provides opportunities for collaboration. Participants can network and access resources to strengthen their practice, with a Professional Learning Community (PLC) held the following day for further collaboration and networking opportunities.
Registration for 2024-25 School Psychologist Academy has passed. Registration for 2025-26 will be available in June 2025.
Who Should Attend
School Psychologists.

For more information about School Psychologist Academy, please contact
Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) 

Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) 

PLCs provide an opportunity for educators to collaborate, discuss current research related to the field, and thought-partner on best practices through relevant case scenarios. The El Dorado County Charter SELPA Team, along with guest speakers, facilitates discourse on hot topics and provides useful resources to consider. 
More information is coming soon!