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Charter SELPA

Special Education Local Plan Area

Charter SELPA

Special Education Local Plan Area

Compliance & Systems Improvement

The El Dorado County Charter SELPA is committed to enhancing educational outcomes for California students receiving special education services. Through a strategic, data-driven approach, the Charter SELPA empowers local educational agencies (LEAs) to strengthen their systems. A variety of innovative resources are available to help LEAs transition to lower tiers of monitoring and technical assistance. By leveraging Annual Determination Letters and Statewide Performance Plan Indicators, we support charter schools in driving systemic improvements. Access these resources for valuable insights and comprehensive technical support to guide your participation in special education monitoring processes, ensuring that every student has the opportunity to succeed and thrive.

State Performance Plan and Annual Performance Report

State Performance Plan 
The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) requires that the Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) monitor each state’s implementation of the IDEA. As such, each state must develop a 6-year long plan that evaluates efforts to meet the requirements of IDEA. This plan is referred to as the State Performance Plan (SPP). The plan includes 17-indicators of compliance and student performance. States must set measurable targets for the State Performance Plan Indicators (SPPI).
More information on the SPP and its indicators can be found here:
State Performance Plan Resources 
Annual Performance Report
States must report their progress on the SPPIs to OSEP annually through a state-level Annual Performance Report (APR). The CDE also reports local performance on the SPPIs through APRs for each LEA in California. More information on the APR can be found here:

Annual Determination Letters

Each year, the CDE notifies LEAs of their Annual Determination in accordance with IDEA, Section 616(e) and Title 34, CFR sections 300.600–604, and 34 CFR sections 300.646–300.647. This letter is sent to LEAs every year in the beginning of the calendar year. The purpose of the notice is to provide the LEA notification of:
  • The Annual Determination under IDEA Part B
  • Selection of Monitoring Tier and Activities for the Upcoming Year
  • Official Significant Disproportionality Determination
Your LEA's Monitoring Level can be found by searching here.
Resources on Interpreting your ADL: 

Compliance and Improvement Monitoring

The CDE’s monitoring framework is a tiered system that differentiates the level of monitoring, technical assistance, and support for each LEA based on the analysis of compliance, disproportionality, performance data, and the LEA’s particular need. The framework includes three monitoring tiers: Universal, Targeted, and Intensive. LEAs that meet requirements under IDEA remain in the Universal monitoring tier and have access to resources to support continued compliance and performance. LEAs that do not meet requirements are identified for either the Targeted or Intensive monitoring tier. The CDE differentiates the levels of engagement to LEAs within the Targeted and Intensive monitoring tiers.  Beginning in the 2022 Monitoring Year, the CDE released the Compliance and Improvement Monitoring (CIM) process to replace previous monitoring processes. The CIM process is a fourstep process designed for LEAs experiencing issues in compliance, disproportionality, and/or performance. It requires the LEA to complete activities to identify systemic issues that led to poor student outcomes and culminates in a cohesive and comprehensive improvement plan.

More information on the Compliance Improvement Monitoring (CIM) Process can be found here:
Targeted/Intensive Resources

Cyclical Monitoring for Small LEAs

To ensure equitable participation in Special Education Monitoring, the Cyclical Monitoring Process for Small LEAs is specifically designed for districts and charter schools that have 100 or fewer students with disabilities on census day. Unlike larger LEAs, Small LEAs will not be selected for monitoring based on State Performance Plan Indicators. Instead, they will be monitored on a cyclical basis every three years. Monitoring activities currently include 3 comprehensive reviews including:
  • Policy and Procedure Review
  • Educational Benefit Review
  • Student Record Review
More information on CDE’s Cyclical Monitoring for Small LEAs can be found here:
Smalls Cyclical Monitoring Resources 

IEP Implementation Monitoring

To meet its monitoring and enforcement obligations under IDEA, the California Department of Education (CDE) has launched the IEP Implementation Monitoring process. This initiative aims to identify systemic issues within local education agencies (LEAs) and ensure the delivery of services as outlined in students' IEPs. LEAs are required to collect data on services provided during a specified period, after which CDE will select a sample of students for review. On a designated date, LEAs will report the aggregate percentage of IEP services delivered for these students through an online portal, allowing CDE to monitor compliance and address any gaps in service delivery.

Please visit our Data Management: IEP Implementation page for additional information.

Significant Disproportionality

Significant Disproportionality is a term used in special education to describe a situation where there are significant disparities in the identification, placement, or discipline of students with disabilities in comparison to their non-disabled peers, within a particular LEA. The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) requires states to identify significant disproportionality in its LEAs and take action to address it. In California, this work is supported by the State Performance Plan Technical Assistance Project (SPP-TAP), through a 4-phase process, by applying a cultural lens to local policy and practice.

More information on disproportionality and significant disproportionality can be found here:
Significant Disproportionality
State Performance Plan Technical Assistance Project (SPP-TAP):
2024 SigDis Materials 
CIM for CCEIS Padlet 2023 Padlet (includes CIM for CCEIS Action Plans) 
CIM for CCEIS Padlet 2022 Padlet
CIM for CCEIS Padlet 2021 Padlet
CIM for CCEIS Padlet 2020 Padlet
            KEY RESOURCES

            KEY RESOURCES

CalTAN Monitoring Page 
SEIS Professional Learning Opportunities
State Performance Plan Indicator (SPPI) Guide. Note: Please ensure the dates on the cover align with your intended APR year. Historical SPPI Guides are available at