Professional Learning Network (PLN) Meetings
Charter SELPA Professional Learning Network (PLN) Meetings provide a space for information sharing, collaboration, and networking to foster ongoing learning and connection among our partner schools. These meetings are held throughout the school year in two formats: virtual PLNs and in-person regional Lunch and Learn meetings. More information about each format is provided below.
PLN Meetings
The El Dorado County Charter SELPA Professional Learning Network (PLN) conducts bi-monthly virtual meetings for partners from September to May to disseminate information, identify training and support needs, and assist in networking and resource sharing.
Who Should Attend?
A Professional Learning Network (PLN) Representative has direct oversight over the day-to-day special education operations of the charter school. The CEO will designate a representative for each charter LEA member. Organizational partners who operate more than one charter school may have a single representative for all schools. Participation by charter LEAs at Professional Learning Network (PLN) Meetings is strongly encouraged. If you believe you or a representative from your school should be attending, please reach out to the SELPA using our contact form.
Upcoming Meeting Dates and Registration
Please register for upcoming PLN meetings by clicking on your preferred date below:
March 26, 2025: Register Here
May 21, 2025: Registration Coming Soon
PLN Meeting Resources
Visit our PLN Resources page to access newly released and historical resources designed to assist our charter partners.
Regional Lunch and Learn Meetings
To support local professional learning networks and needs, we also offer regional PLN meetings called "Lunch and Learn." These meetings are held in Sacramento, the San Francisco Bay Area, Los Angeles, and San Diego. At these events, charter school educators connect to network, share best practices, and identify essential training and staffing needs. This is an opportunity to collaborate, gain valuable resources, and strengthen support for students and the broader community.
Spring 2025 Meeting Dates and Registration
Please click on your preferred city to register. Additional event details will be added as soon as they become available. The dates listed below are subject to change, so please check back frequently or connect with your program specialist for more information.
April 24, 2025: Butte County
May 6, 2025: Orange County
Lunch and Learn IMage Gallery
Lunch and Learn IMage Gallery
Lunch and Learn IMage Gallery
Browse highlights from past Lunch and Learn events.