Special Education Business Office Support

The Business Services Team supports school business teams and assists partners in maximizing special education fiscal resources. Our commitment includes timely communication of budgetary issues and distribution of cash flow, hands-on assistance with compliance, educational opportunities, and access to SELPA fiscal professionals.

Special Education Base Funding (AB 602)

State apportionment and Federal grant revenues are passed through by the SELPA to our partners throughout the year. The tabs below provide access to cash flow, budgeting, forecasting and federal grant reporting details.


The governance body in a SELPA establishes the SELPA’s allocation plan. The El Dorado Charter SELPA’s allocation plan represents over a decade of CEO Council decisions about how best to distribute to partners Special Education funds received by the SELPA.

The resources below summarize guidance published by the federal Office of Special Education (OSEP) regarding allowable expenditures for IDEA funds, and coordinated early intervening services (CEIS). Although, California has not published similar guidance, any expenditure that can be related back to a student’s IEP is generally considered an allowable use of state special education funding.

The online Fiscal Portal is your one-stop shop for all SELPA fiscal reporting and related data submissions.

Electronic receipt of funds offers safety and more timely receipt of payments vs. paper checks. We strongly encourage joining our direct deposit program. Follow the link below to the Fiscal Portal for ACH registration.

Details on the Special Education revenue payments sent to SELPA partners are available here.

While a detailed list of all SELPA fiscal due dates and activities is available at the bottom of this web page in our dynamic calendar, this at-a-glance yearly calendar is a handy desk reference.

Following is a graphical overview of the yearly fiscal cycle as well as detailed graphics for specific fiscal reports.

Each month (beginning in June 2017), a newsletter-style Fiscal Update e-mail is published. You may read the most recent editions by following the links below. If you would like to be placed on the mailing list, click the subscription link and let us know.

Mental Health (ERMHS) Funding

Now more than ever, meeting your students’ mental health needs is critical. California’s K-12 budget provides state and federal mental health revenue to fund these supports. The 2020-21 state budget afforded greater flexibility for using state mental health dollars. Previously restricted to direct mental health services for students with IEPs, mental health services, including behavioral services, to all students are now authorized expenditures for state mental health revenue. Eligible expenditures for federal mental health revenue were unaffected by this budget provision and are still restricted to identified students with disabilities.


All ERMHS-related uploads and reports may be completed through the fiscal portal.

For access to Level 3 ERMHS funding, a master contract for each service provider must be filed with the SELPA, and an individual services contract (ISA) for each student receiving services must also be filed.


Detail on the Mental Health (ERMHS) revenue payments distributed is contained in the payment data below.

Below are resources designed to support your mental health program.

Additional Funding

In addition to state & federal base special education funding and ERMHS funding, Low Incidence funding is available on a reimbursement basis. New partners may access the cash advance program if cash flow is an issue. From time to time, other funding is made available and details will be posted here.

Year End & Maintenance of Effort

The close of each school year brings a flurry of activity at a time when attention spans are short but the need for focus and accuracy is acute.


The definitions and instructions for both the MOE pre-test and the year-end MOE are identical. You may access them here.

The resources below summarize guidance published by the federal Office of Special Education (OSEP) regarding allowable expenditures for IDEA funds, and coordinated early intervening services (CEIS).

Business Meetings and Professional Learning Opportunities

The close of each school year brings a flurry of activity at a time when attention spans are short but the need for focus and accuracy is acute.

SELPA Business Office Communication

We distribute a monthly e-newsletter outlining upcoming reporting dates, scheduled events, and general special education business news.

SELPA Fiscal Calendar

You can add this calendar to your calendar client of choice by using this iCal link.
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